Cyber Card #07 – Black Friday & Cyber Monday

Cyber Card
23 November 2019
Leading up to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, there are many offers to buy at heavily discounted prices! But pay special attention…

With Cyber Card #7, we want to provide you with some practical tips for safe online shopping. Useful steps to avoid becoming “unwitting” victims of cyber crime:

  • Beware of offers that seem too good to be true and promises of winnings…

  • Only buy from protected sites, always check that they are…

  • Only purchase from well-known and reliable sellers, and check what people say about them…

  • Try to avoid paying with bank transfers or credit cards, opt for non-direct payments from your account…

  • NEVER provide your sensitive data by email or phone…

  • Be wary of attachments and links that come from “suspicious” emails, do not open them…

Keep following our Cards to learn some simple tips to defend yourself against Cyber Crime!


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