
Customer Success Stories
2 July 2024

ENEGAN, the energy partner that now leads 13 companies

With Cyber Guru the Serial Clickers have disappeared

ENEGAN is an Energy Partner, electricity and gas reseller and telephone operator. Established in 2010, it has experienced significant growth in the three-year period 2016 – 2018. Today it is the parent company of a group of 13 companies, with about 350 employees, a sales force with a thousand agents located throughout the country, and a consolidated turnover of around 600 million euros.

A company that handles a significant amount of data and thus deals with the risks of the cyber world on a daily basis.

Giacomo Morelli, director of the Group’s entire IT infrastructure, tasked with supporting business growth by identifying the best hardware and software solutions and accompanying the company in adopting the best processes, tells us about the company’s new approach with cyber security awareness.

“I have always been looking for that change management. that can give that push toward continuous improvement and the achievement of the business plan approved by the BoD. In this context,” he says, “IT security plays a key role. Already since 2018 we have introduced technologies in the company aimed at protecting the corporate perimeter; however, we are aware that this is not enough, because we have realized how necessary it is to grow the digital posture of our security, and that to do so we must go through the development of that awareness that the end user often struggles to have due to urgency, inattention, non-knowledge, underestimation and many other reasons that often represent precisely a hand extended, even if unconsciously, to cybercrime. “

“Thus,” Morelli continued, “in 2022 we initiated a pilot of a training course on the most common risk areas: social engineering, phishing, smishing, attack tactics, etc. A challenging path that we pursued with all our might and that convinced us to take that path in a more structured way”.

As is always the case when clarifying ideas about what to look for, answers and solutions eventually come. ENEGAN began searching for the most suitable partner for this journey of knowledge and awareness, and after contacting several providers of these solutions, the choice fell on Cyber Guru.

“Because it is Italian,” Morelli explains, “because it has content relevant to our needs and because it offers support that others do not contemplate.

The benefits of this choice, according to ENEGAN’s CIO, were considerable: “we were able to work ‘four-handedly’ for onboarding and content planning. It was an approach that fully met that expectation of support, especially initial support, that other Cyber Guru competitors did not have in their catalogs and that, in our case, made a substantial difference with other solutions we had evaluated.”

As with many companies, once the choice of partner is made, the most complex aspect is usually employee involvement, which, even in ENEGAN’s case, was not easy.

“At the start of the program,” Morelli recounts, “a good percentage ignored invitations to take the training courses. However, Cyber Guru, through the right tools and a targeted solicitation campaign, at first light then increasingly pressing, has managed to engage the entire audience in a very inspiring way, to the point that there is currently even a competition among employees for who can complete the forms that arrive monthly first and well. In addition to this, another important lever was the pills on Cyber Security. Weekly we propose on our intranet, cases of Data Breach in which the user played – despite himself – a key role on the success of the attack. This is information that greatly engages and raises awareness.”


With Cyber Guru the objective benefits in a short time

Having overcome the most complex obstacle, which is people involvement, the benefits generally come in a short time, and since the human factor is the source of the greatest vulnerabilities in companies, cyber risk is quickly lowered. According to Morelli, in fact, “the benefits are objective, especially on phishing campaigns for which we can get definite feedback. In fact, through monitoring dashboards, we are able to understand who is changing their behaviors, but not only that. Just these days, carefully analyzing the reports, I realized that the serial clickers have all but disappeared since the beginning of the campaign.

Today we have a full signal box, and rarely are the indications totally wrong. Six months ago it was nearly empty. An achievement I would call excellent, a sign of tangible change. What is most interesting is that behaviors have radically changed. We realized that urgency is incompatible with security and that one should never take the sender of an email for granted. We are also learning that every action, especially the most sensitive ones, needs deepening and confirmation. In addition, the path we are taking also helps us in our private lives because, as we are all now constantly connected through various devices and subscribed to social and various platforms, we are all constantly in the crosshairs of crime. Increased awareness thus becomes a strong advocacy tool that we can use in any situation and also spread to our circle of friends and family.

What is clear is that cybercrime can only be fought with knowledge and awareness. That is why we are already planning with Cyber Guru for the 2025 pathway. Today, unfortunately, no one can feel safe, but with the right tools, targeted training, and constant training, we can At least attempt to bar the way of crime more forcefully. And the path taken with Cyber Guru confirms this.”

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