Cyber Card #27 – 6 passwords security tips

Cyber Card
2 May 2024

How many passwords have you had to create or update in the past year? Sometimes, we are forced to improvise something simple and easy to remember, but this can compromise our security.

The World Economic Forum reported that an 8-letter password containing one uppercase letter could be cracked in as little as 22 minutes.
Ensuring that passwords are at least 16 characters in length while maintaining the historical complexity recommendations, improves password strength. In addition, recommend requiring a 127-character password for highly sensitive devices, information, or accounts (e.g., Windows service or administrator accounts).

Yet we all know that the theft of a password can be the beginning of a nightmare, the first step to a phishing attack. However, some simple rules can help us prevent this from happening.

In this card, we provide you with 6 simple tips to prevent a cybercriminal from too easily stealing our personal data and then selling it or rather using it to hack other systems and make a lot of money from it.

This Cyber Card can help you acquire the right digital posture!


















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