I’ve been swindled, now what do I do?

I’ve been swindled, now what do I do?

Steps to take in case you fall victim to online scams. “I’ve been swindled,” is the phrase none of us would ever want to think of uttering. Yet we know that the risk of falling victim to online scams is becoming higher and higher, and that this is...
Giorgia Meloni’s account has been hacked

Giorgia Meloni’s account has been hacked

No one is safe: even Giorgia Meloni is in the crosshairs of cybercriminals. Nobody’s safe. The most effective protection is an adequate training. Parola del Sole24ore e di un ex generale della Guardia di Finanza No one’s safe from hackers, not even big-name...
Valentine’s Day: be wary of online romance

Valentine’s Day: be wary of online romance

Valentine’s Day: scams that target the heart After all, everyone likes romance. Even the most cynical of people, those who pretend to snub it, but who ultimately would also like to live, at least for a day, in the midst of a pink cloud full of little hearts....
QR Codes, the latest blessing and curse for web users

QR Codes, the latest blessing and curse for web users

We can no longer do without them, but be careful when using them! We have all had the experience of sitting down at a restaurant table and not finding a printed menu on the table, but instead, only a miserable little sheet, perhaps laminated, with a strange,...