Cyber Guru

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Cyber Card #10 – Remote working in Covid-19 times

Cyber Card #10 – Remote working in Covid-19 times

The Coronavirus emergency generated a rapid deployment of Remote working. However, this way of working is offering cyber criminals new possibilities and new spaces to carry out their criminal activities. Defending ourselves requires preventing a number of critical...

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Cyber Card #09 – Coronavirus: a Malware epidemic

Cyber Card #09 – Coronavirus: a Malware epidemic

In the Coronavirus era, cyber crime is exploiting human fear and the spread of the epidemic, in order to convey various types of malware with a single objective: to infect the computers of the unfortunate in order to steal sensitive data or empty bank accounts. In...

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Cyber Card #08 – Valentine’s Day

Cyber Card #08 – Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day offers another good opportunity for Cyber Crime to achieve its aims. In this Card we have listed some recommendations for enjoying Valentine's Day safely, including: be suspicious of excessively advantageous online offers to buy and send a small gift...

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